
Ivory Seizure in Hong Kong. Names of the Consignees

SUBJECT: Seizure of ivory in Hong Kong. Document with the names of the three consignees. SOURCE: Anonymous DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: Document from the Hong Kong Custom – Leak (Grade 1). See below here the picture COLLECTION DATE: June 2014 ACTION: Researched for one year. Shared with one journalist and an international law enforcement agency. TEXT: none In June 2014 WildLeaks received an...
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FLASH REPORT: Mombasa Port, a Liability for Africa

*** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE *** Ivory Trafficking: Undercover Survey at the Mombasa Port Reveals Vulnerabilities, Confirms High Level Corruption, and Highlights National and International Security Issues An undercover survey of the Port of Mombasa by the Elephant Action League & WildLeaks reveals important vulnerabilities and weaknesses in shipping security procedures and confirms how corruption facilitates...
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Ivory piles in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique

SUBJECT: “Ivory piles in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique” SOURCE: Anonymous DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: Leak (Grade 1) COLLECTION DATE: April 02, 2014 ACTION: Shared with law enforcement in another country. TEXT (sanitized): “The other day I was reading on Internet that police in Maputo had captured 3 men with rino horns in their car, and according to the report the...
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Illegal trophy hunting of lion and leopards in Mozambique

SUBJECT: “Lion and Leopard being lured through fence on South African and Mozambique border in side Kruger National Park eastern boundary” SOURCE: Known by email DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: Leak (Grade 1) COLLECTION DATE: March 02, 2014 ACTION: In the process to collect more information and evidence TEXT (sanitized): “For about 5 years (OMITTED), a proffesional hunter operating on a (OMITTED) in...
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Tiger Poaching in Sumatra

SUBJECT: Tiger poaching in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia SOURCE: Anonymous DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: Lead (Grade 2) + attachments COLLECTION DATE: February 10, 2014 ACTION: Shared with other two NGOs + international law enforcement TEXT(sanitized): “Tiger poacher opening killing Sumatran Tigers and selling Tiger parts on the street.
 (OMITTED) but authorities are being paid to turn a blind eye.
 According trappers...
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Chimpanzee orphan illegally held in Monrovia, Liberia

SUBJECT: “Chimpanzee orphan illegally held in Monrovia, Liberia” SOURCE: Anonymous DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: Leak (Grade 1) COLLECTION DATE: February 11, 2015 ACTION: In contact with local NGOs and activists. Looking for a solution. Asking for a seizure. TEXT (sanitized): “This was sent to us by (OMITTED) in Monrovia: “I think it’s still a young chimpanzee, maybe puberty age. No idea...
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Smuggling of African Grey Parrots from Nigeria to Lebanon

SUBJECT: “Smuggling of African Grey Parrots from Nigeria to Lebanon” SOURCE: Anonymous DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: Lead (Grade 2) COLLECTION DATE: August 21, 2014 ACTION: Shared with selected partners. In the difficult process to acquire more information. TEXT (sanitised): “(OMITTED) about the regular smuggling of African Grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) from Nigeria to Lebanon, with the complicity of members...
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Containers from Mombasa, Kenya

SUBJECT: “Shipping Docs from Kenya” SOURCE: Anonymous DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: Lead (Grade 2) COLLECTION DATE: June 24, 2014 ACTION: Shared with international law enforcement TEXT (sanitized) “…(OMITTED) This document was highlights as being forged by our office.” ATTACHMENTS: Bill of Lading with containers numbers (OMITTED). We do not show the document in order to further protect the anonymous source....
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Illegal trade of chimpanzees in Monrovia, Liberia

SUBJECT: Captive chimpanzees in Monrovia, Liberia SOURCE: Known by email DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: Message (Grade 3) COLLECTION DATE: March 17, 2014 ACTION: In contact with local activists TEXT: “Dear All, i want to report the below, i’ve heard from two of my friends that they saw two chimpanzees locked up inside a cage by the road in Congo...
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Destruction of forest in central Mexico

SUBJECT: Illegal parcelling of forest in Tenango de Doria, Hidalgo, Mexico SOURCE: Known by email DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION: Lead (Grade 2) COLLECTION DATE: March 21, 2014 ACTION: The source submitted also a detailed report that has been shared with a local journalist TEXT: “Illegal parcelling of forest in Tenango de Doria, Hidalgo, Mexico leads to loss of habitat...
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Fight Back with Us

WildLeaks is a not-for-profit collaborative project created, funded and managed by the Earth League International.

The Mission of WildLeaks is to receive and evaluate anonymous information and tips regarding wildlife crime, including corruption, and transform them into concrete actions.

Please visit the Earth League International for more information on our activities: www.earthleagueinternational.org