Leaks and Reports


Illegal trophy hunting of lion and leopards in Mozambique

SUBJECT: “Lion and Leopard being lured through fence on South African and Mozambique border in side Kruger National Park eastern boundary”

SOURCE: Known by email


COLLECTION DATE: March 02, 2014

ACTION: In the process to collect more information and evidence

TEXT (sanitized):

“For about 5 years (OMITTED), a proffesional hunter operating on a (OMITTED) in the Maputo province of Mozambique has been hunting a variety of animals, buffalo, elephant, lion and leopard. (OMITTED), (OMITTED), (OMITTED).

(OMITTED) has been sighted and filmed before with can lion hunting some years ago. (OMITTED). These scouts told me that they had to pull decompossing meat along the fence and actully push the fence up and push the meat into the Kruger and pull it back into Mozambique, and then pull the meat up to a bait station, either a carcass tied up in a tree for leopard of meat dangling on a rope for lion. The hunter who had paid thousands of $ would be sitting in a hide overlooking the bait.

I have facts, documents  permits etc of (OMITTED) that have been gained through corruption and bribery, when he is allocated 10 buffalo to hunt in a year, shots up to 40, more Leopard and lion allocated etc etc, firearms being smuggled into Mozambique and the list goes on. (OMITTED) reporters, and others, but to no avail to expose these unethical operations.”


This leak/message may have been sanitized for public release. Sensitive information has been removed in order to protect the source, our field activities and our collaborators.

If you have any information about this or other topics related to wildlife and forest crime please help us to fight back by sharing information in a secure and anonymous way at: www.wildleaks.org

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WildLeaks is a not-for-profit collaborative project created, funded and managed by the Earth League International.

The Mission of WildLeaks is to receive and evaluate anonymous information and tips regarding wildlife crime, including corruption, and transform them into concrete actions.

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