Data Management & Editorial Policies

Editorial policies

WildLeaks only accepts information and material of environmental significance, with a particular focus on Environmental Crime (poaching, trafficking, illegal logging, IUU fishing, illegal mining, waste trafficking etc.) and related serious crimes (money laundering, drugs trafficking, human trafficking/smuggling, arms trafficking, corruption, etc.). We are interested in information about crimes that cause significant harm or risk to the environment, human health, or both.

Rumors, opinions, stories and other kinds of first hand accounts or materials that are publicly available elsewhere will not be evaluated. Materials that violate individual privacy will not be accepted unless they pertain to a crime, corruption, and abuse that affects wildlife, the environment, and the people.


1. WildLeaks will accept materials through its online secure submission platform or through the other email option explained here.

2. After the information has been received, all files are securely stored off-line.


WildLeaks will perform a thorough cross-check to verify whether the files correspond to true information or not, that is, if they are reliable. This will be done to the furthest extent possible, analyzing factors such as possible motives for forgery, cost or difficulty of forgery, and deception. If needed, other professional opinions will be sought.


In some cases, files sent by whistleblowers can be a threat to their own anonymity. In these cases, where content or meta-content can lead to the disclosure of a source’s identity, it is necessary to redact the information for their own safety.


If a batch of data has been cleared through the first steps of data management it is ready to be analyzed and assessed by the full WildLeaks’s Team.

Investigative Activities

1. Investigating environmental crimes is WildLeaks’ first priority and, whenever possible, an investigation will be conducted by our own undercover teams or in collaboration with our partners.

2. When it is not possible to investigate using our own resources, the information will be passed on selected and trusted individuals within other NGOs and/or the relevant law enforcement agencies.

Publishing on the Media

When an investigation is not needed or possible, and using the media is considered more effective, then WildLeaks will try to make hard news out of the leaks it receives, pitching the information to mainstream media.

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Fight Back with Us

WildLeaks is a not-for-profit collaborative project created, funded and managed by the Earth League International.

The Mission of WildLeaks is to receive and evaluate anonymous information and tips regarding wildlife crime, including corruption, and transform them into concrete actions.

Please visit the Earth League International for more information on our activities: