Leaks and Reports


Baby gorillas, kangaroos, tigers and lemurs on sale in Mexico

SUBJECT: “Baby gorillas, kangaroos, tigers and lemurs on sale in Mexico”
SOURCE: Anonymous
COLLECTION DATE: March 24, 2017
ACTION: Shared with partners
TEXT (Partial and Redacted)
” …. (redacted) PGR, PROFEPA, y La Fiscalia even Semanart nobody wants to help stop these people. The animals being sold here are from South Africa, Japan, China, Australia, and other countries. They are being brought here to Mexico and sold on the black market here in Mexico and probably other countries. There are baby gorrilas, kangaroos, snakes, and lemur babies.”
The veterinary in control of this specific group of trafficking is located in (redacted). They have a location where they meet the buyers in (redacted). There are 5 of them armed all the time. (redacted).”
Here is the link to … (redacted). There may possibly be a connection to (redacted)  as they appear to have multiple species of wildlife not native in the Americas. Here is the Facebook… (redacted).


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